Actis, a leading private equity firm, returned to Nigeria in 2000 after a 20-year absence. In the period immediately following its return, the firm made significant investments exceeding US$500 million in the country. These spanned banking, oil and gas, and consumer goods. Investee entities amongst others included Persianas, for the development of Palms Shopping Mall, Nigeria’s first world- class shopping mall; UAC, conglomerate with food and quick start services ( expansion capital) ; GOGE Upstream oil and gas company( expansion capital) ; and Mouka Foam, manufacturer of foam used in TASK
C&F Porter Novelli was retained by Actis to provide strategic counsel, advice, and implemented a comprehensive communications programme to support the operations of the private equity firm. mattresses and furniture (replacement capital).
A campaign was developed to increase awareness of Actis as the leading private equity investor in emerging markets, improve understanding of its vision in Nigeria, and position its successive CEOs as authorities on private equity in Nigeria. Audiences comprised investee and potential investee companies; core investors; government and strategic influencers; financial community/corporate financiers/brokers; competition. and media. Implementation entailed management of Deals Flow Communications, Strategic Positioning of Actis, CEO Positioning, and Crisis Management. Tactics comprised media briefings and relationship building, educative roundtable/seminars, speaking opportunities for the CEO, Key yearly events to promote networking and reputation, delivery of placed articles, and arrangement of mail shots.
Actis became regarded as a value-creating investor, using its global network and capabilities to assist investee companies. This was demonstrated in its ability to develop strategic partnerships with these companies, source technical services for them.. The private equity firm also acquired a reputation for ensuring the implementation of international standards of corporate governance, in addition to using its skills with the utmost integrity and in accordance with best practices.